Analisis Tataniaga Ikan Bandeng Di Kecamatan Samudera Kabupaten Aceh Utara

Muhammad Authar, Rahmanta Ginting, Luhut Sihombing


This research was conducted in September 2013. The purpose of this study was to analyze the magnitude of the marketing margin and share price received by farmers, and to analyze the ratio of benefit to cost. Data analysis method in this research is by using a business administration analysis to determine the share price, the marketing margin, share costs, share of profit between marketing institutions. To analyze the business administration, there are several approaches that can be used, namely by calculating the marketing margin, share price, share costs and benefits between marketing institutions.

Research results show that the marketing margin on each existing marketing channels are varied in magnitude and distribution is uneven. Based on analysis of business administration is known that the marketing margin on all marketing channels is varied in magnitude. In the first channel the marketing margin is Rp 5500, Rp 6000 in the second channel, Rp 4500 in the third channel, and Rp 5000 in the fourth channel. Share price received by the owner of the pond in the first channel is 74.72%, 72.73% in the second channel, 78.05% in the third channel, and 76.19% in the fourth channel. Ratio of profit to cost is also varied magnitude. In the first channel: ratio of profit to cost (P / C) was 0.18 for the owner of the pond, 1.08 for collecting traders of village, 1.08 for collecting traders of the district, 3.00 for collecting traders of regency, and 11.50 for retailers outside the area. In the second channel: ratio of profit to cost (P / C) was 0.18 for the owner of the pond, 1.08 for collecting traders of village, 1.34 for collecting traders of the district, 5.67 for collecting traders of regency, and 11.50 for retailers outside the area. In the third channel: ratio of profit to cost (P / C) was 0.18 for the owner of the pond, 1.34 for collecting traders of the district, 5.67 for collecting traders of regency, and 15.67 for retailers outside the area.


Milkfish, Marketing Channel, Marketing Margin

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Copyright (c) 2016 Muhammad Authar, Rahmanta Ginting, Luhut Sihombing

Agrifo: Jurnal Agribisnis Universitas Malikussaleh