Allometric relationship and meat yield of Chama pacifica broderip, 1835 from the Gulf of Antalya, Turkey
In this study, the allometric relationship and the meat yield of the large Pacific jewel-box Chama pacifica Broderip, 1835 were investigated. C. pacifica samples were by scuba diving at depths of 3-8 m in the Gulf of Antalya. The relationship of total shell length and total shell weight was determined as TW = 2.2693*TSL 2.5327 (R2= 0.69). The mean flesh weight and mean meat yield were determined to be 11,07±0.445 g and 6.84±0.18%, respectively. This research revealed the meat yield data of C. pacifica and its potential importance as a food source.
Keywords: Chama pacifica; Pacific jewel-box; flesh weight; meat yield; allometric relationship
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