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Author Guidelines
Types of article
Journal of Marine Studies (JoMS) welcomes a wide range of article types that contribute to the understanding and advancement of marine science. Some common types of articles accepted by the journal include:
- Research articles: Original research articles that present new findings and contribute significantly to the field of marine science. These articles typically follow the standard structure of Title, Abstract, Introduction, Methods, Results, Discussion, Conclusion, Acknowledgments, References, and additional section (Authorship contribution, Ethics (if available), Data availability, Conflicts of interest, and Funding).
- Review articles: Comprehensive reviews that synthesize existing literature on a specific topic within marine science. Review articles provide an overview of current knowledge, identify gaps in understanding, and propose future research directions.
- Short communications: Brief reports that present concise research findings or preliminary results of ongoing studies. Short communications offer a succinct overview of important findings without the extensive detail required for full-length research articles.
- Perspective pieces: Opinion or commentary articles that provide insights, critiques, or reflections on current issues, trends, or debates within the field of marine science. Perspective pieces may offer alternative viewpoints or propose new approaches to addressing marine-related challenges.
- Case studies: Detailed analyses of specific events, phenomena, or processes related to marine science. Case studies provide in-depth insights into real-world examples and can be valuable for understanding complex marine systems and ecosystems.
- Methodological advances: Articles that describe new methods, techniques, or approaches for studying marine environments or organisms. Methodological advances may include innovative sampling methods, analytical techniques, or technological developments relevant to marine science research.
- Data papers: Articles that describe new datasets, data collection methods, or data analysis techniques relevant to marine science. Data papers provide valuable resources for researchers and may contribute to advancing open data initiatives within the field.
Authors are encouraged to consult the journal's specific guidelines for each article type and ensure that their submissions adhere to the appropriate format and style requirements. By offering a diverse range of article types, the Journal of Marine Studies aims to facilitate the dissemination of high-quality research and promote interdisciplinary collaboration within the field of marine science.
Submission checklist
Before submitting your manuscript to the Journal of Marine Studies, please ensure that you have completed the following checklist to enhance the efficiency of the submission process and increase the chances of acceptance:
1. Manuscript preparation:
- The manuscript should adhere to specific formatting requirements outlined in the journal's guidelines, including font size, margins, spacing, and referencing style.
- Authors must ensure that their manuscript is written in clear, concise English, avoiding excessive technical jargon that may hinder understanding.
- Figures and tables should be referred to within the text and sequentially numbered for clarity and ease of reference by readers.
- Authors must ensure that their manuscript includes all required sections, such as Title, Abstract, Keywords, Introduction, Methods, Results, Discussion, Conclusion, Acknowledgments, Author contributions statement, Data availability, Competing interests, Funding, and References.
2. Originality and ethics:
- Authors are required to confirm the originality of their research findings by verifying that the manuscript has not been published previously and is not under consideration elsewhere.
- Authors are required to address any potential conflicts of interest or disclosed funding sources in the manuscript.
- If applicable, Authors are required to discuss ethical considerations related to your research, including any use of artificial intelligence (AI), data privacy, or societal impacts.
3. Figures and tables:
- Ensure that all figures and tables are cited in the text and sequentially numbered.
- Verify that your figures and tables are of high quality, with clear legibility.
- Confirm that you have obtained permission to reproduce any copyrighted material incorporated into your figures or tables.
4. References:
- Ensure that the citation style specified by the journal (i.e., APA citation style) has been adhered to.
- Verify that all references are listed alphabetically and formatted correctly according to the journal's guidelines.
- Confirm that all relevant literature has been cited and complete information has been provided for each reference (including DOI if available).
5. Keywords:
- Ensure that a list of relevant keywords has been provided to aid in indexing and searching for your manuscript.
- Verify that your keywords accurately represent the content and scope of your research.
6. Submission process:
- Ensure that you have carefully followed the submission instructions outlined on the journal's website.
- Confirm that your manuscript has been submitted electronically using the online submission system provided by the journal.
- Verify that any supplementary materials or required data for review have been included with your manuscript.
7. Contact information:
- Ensure that you provide your contact information, including affiliation, email address, and ORCID iD (if available), for correspondence with the journal.
By completing this checklist before submission, you can ensure that your manuscript meets the requirements and standards of the Journal of Marine Studies, increasing the likelihood of a smooth review process and eventual acceptance for publication. If you have any questions or require further assistance, please do not hesitate to contact the editorial office of the journal.
Ethics in publishing
Journal of Marine Studies is committed to upholding the highest ethical standards in publishing and expects all authors, reviewers, and editors to adhere to these principles. Below are the ethical guidelines that authors should follow when submitting their manuscripts to the journal:
1. Originality and plagiarism:
- Authors must ensure that their submissions are original works and have not been published elsewhere.
- Plagiarism, in any form, is strictly prohibited and will result in immediate rejection of the manuscript.
- Proper citations and references should be provided for any content or ideas borrowed from other sources.
- All individuals who have made significant contributions to the research should be listed as authors.
- Any individuals or organizations that have provided financial or material support for the research should be acknowledged appropriately.
- Authors should ensure that all co-authors have reviewed and approved the final version of the manuscript before submission.
- Authors must disclose any financial, personal, or professional conflicts of interest that could potentially influence the research or its interpretation.
- Conflicts of interest may include financial relationships, employment affiliations, or personal connections with individuals or organizations involved in the research.
- Research involving human subjects or animals must comply with ethical guidelines and regulations.
- Authors should provide evidence of approval from relevant institutional review boards or ethics committees for studies involving human participants or animals.
- Informed consent should be obtained from all human participants involved in the research, and their privacy and confidentiality should be protected.
5. Data integrity and transparency:
- Authors are responsible for the accuracy and integrity of the data presented in their manuscripts.
- Data manipulation or fabrication is considered unethical and will result in immediate rejection of the manuscript.
- Authors should provide complete and transparent reporting of methods, results, and data analysis to facilitate reproducibility and verification of the research.
6. Acknowledgment of sources:
- Authors should acknowledge the contributions of others to the research, including individuals who have provided assistance, guidance, or feedback.
- Proper citation and referencing should be provided for all sources of information, including previously published works, datasets, and personal communications.
7. Compliance with legal and regulatory requirements:
- Authors should ensure compliance with all relevant legal and regulatory requirements, including copyright laws, data protection regulations, and licensing agreements.
- Permission should be obtained from copyright holders for any third-party material included in the manuscript, such as figures, tables, or excerpts from other publications.
8. Adherence to editorial policies:
- Authors should familiarize themselves with the editorial policies and guidelines of the Journal of Marine Studies before submitting their manuscript.
- Authors should comply with any specific formatting or submission requirements specified by the journal.
9. Peer review process:
- Authors should engage constructively with the peer review process, responding to reviewer comments and revising their manuscript accordingly.
- Authors should declare any conflicts of interest that could potentially influence the peer review process and should not attempt to unduly influence the outcome of the review.
10. Reporting misconduct:
- Authors who become aware of any ethical misconduct or violations of publishing ethics should report them to the journal's editorial office for investigation.
- The journal will take appropriate action in cases of suspected misconduct, including retracting published articles or imposing sanctions on individuals involved.
By adhering to these ethical guidelines, authors can contribute to the integrity, credibility, and trustworthiness of research published in the Journal of Marine Studies. Failure to comply with these guidelines may result in the rejection of the manuscript or other disciplinary action. For further guidance on ethical issues in publishing, authors are encouraged to consult the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE) guidelines and relevant professional codes of conduct.
Declaration of competing interests
Authors submitting manuscripts to the Journal of Marine Studies are required to disclose any potential conflicts of interest that could influence the interpretation or evaluation of their research findings. A conflict of interest exists when authors, reviewers, or editors have financial, personal, or professional relationships or affiliations that may bias their judgment or compromise the integrity of the publication process.
Authors are requested to include a declaration of competing interests in their manuscript submission, using the following format:
Declaration of competing interests:
The authors declare that they have no competing interests related to this research.
The following potential conflicts of interest are disclosed:
- [Author Name(s)]: [Description of conflicts of interest]
- [Author Name(s)]: [Description of conflicts of interest]
- [Author Name(s)]: [Description of conflict of interest]
Examples of potential conflicts of interest that should be disclosed include:
- Financial relationships: Employment, consultancy, honoraria, grants, or funding received from organizations with a vested interest in the research outcomes.
- Personal relationships: Relationships or affiliations with individuals or organizations that may have a stake in the research, such as family members, close colleagues, or competitors.
- Intellectual property: Ownership of patents, copyrights, or proprietary interests related to the research findings.
Authors are encouraged to provide detailed descriptions of any disclosed conflicts of interest to enable readers, reviewers, and editors to assess the potential impact on the research findings objectively. Failure to disclose conflicts of interest may result in rejection of the manuscript or other disciplinary action.
The Journal of Marine Studies is committed to transparency and integrity in publishing and relies on authors to uphold these principles by disclosing any relevant competing interests associated with their research.
Declaration of generative AI in scientific writing
Authors utilizing generative artificial intelligence (AI) techniques in their scientific writing for the Journal of Marine Studies are required to provide a declaration acknowledging the use of AI tools. This declaration aims to ensure transparency and ethical conduct in research and publication. If any, this declaration should be included in the manuscript submission to ensure transparency and compliance with ethical standards in publishing.
This declaration serves to inform readers, reviewers, and editors of the methods employed in the preparation of the manuscript and underscores the authors' commitment to upholding ethical standards in scientific research and publication.
Authors are encouraged to provide additional details regarding the specific AI tools and methodologies utilized, as well as the extent of human oversight and validation, to enhance transparency and understanding. Failure to disclose the use of generative AI tools may result in the rejection of the manuscript or other disciplinary action.
The Journal of Marine Studies values transparency, integrity, and ethical conduct in scientific writing and relies on authors to uphold these principles when utilizing AI technologies in their research and publication.
This statement should accurately reflect the contributions of each author to the research project, including Conceptualization; Data curation; Formal analysis; Funding acquisition; Investigation; Methodology; Project administration; Supervision; Validation; Visualization; Writing - original draft; and Writing - review & editing. Authors are encouraged to provide specific details to ensure transparency and recognition of individual contributions.
In cases where there are significant differences in author contributions, authors may consider using a more detailed contributorship statement or adopting a standardized contributorship taxonomy, such as the CRediT (Contributor Roles Taxonomy) system, to provide a comprehensive overview of individual contributions.
The Journal of Marine Studies values transparency and accountability in authorship attribution and relies on authors to provide accurate and comprehensive statements of their contributions to the research.
Authors should provide complete and accurate information about the funding sources that supported their research, including the name of the funding agency or organization, grant number (if applicable), and the specific aspects of the research that were supported by each funding source. If the research received support from multiple funding sources, authors should acknowledge each source separately and describe the corresponding contributions. The following format can be used to document the funding sources: This research was supported by the Name of Funding Agency [Grant Number].
In addition to acknowledging financial support, authors should also disclose any potential conflicts of interest associated with the funding sources, such as financial relationships with the funding agency or any vested interests in the research outcomes.
The Journal of Marine Studies values transparency and accountability in reporting funding sources and relies on authors to provide accurate and comprehensive information about the financial support received for their research.
Open access
The Journal of Marine Studies is committed to the principles of open access, ensuring that scholarly research is freely accessible to the global community without barriers to access or reuse. The journal operates under the following open-access policy:
- Open access publication: All articles published in the Journal of Marine Studies are freely available to readers worldwide immediately upon publication, without the need for a subscription or payment of access fees. This unrestricted access ensures that research findings are accessible to researchers, practitioners, policymakers, and the general public, promoting knowledge dissemination and collaboration across disciplinary and geographical boundaries.
- Author retention of copyright: Authors retain the copyright to their published articles, granting the journal a non-exclusive license to publish and distribute the work under a Creative Commons license. This author-centered approach empowers authors to retain control over their intellectual property while enabling broad dissemination and reuse of their research findings.
- Creative Commons licensing: Articles published in the Journal of Marine Studies are typically licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY) license, allowing readers to freely share and adapt the work for any purpose, provided proper attribution is given to the authors. This open licensing model fosters innovation, collaboration, and knowledge exchange within the scientific community while ensuring proper recognition of authors' contributions.
- Archiving and preservation: The journal ensures the long-term accessibility and preservation of published articles through partnerships with reputable digital archives and preservation initiatives. This archival support guarantees the integrity and persistence of scholarly content for future generations of researchers and readers.
- Compliance with open access mandates: The Journal of Marine Studies complies with open access mandates established by funding agencies, institutions, and governmental bodies, facilitating authors' compliance with funding requirements and promoting greater transparency and accountability in research dissemination.
- Promotion of open science: The journal actively promotes the principles of open science, encouraging authors to share their research data, code, and materials openly whenever possible. By embracing open practices, the Journal of Marine Studies fosters transparency, reproducibility, and collaboration in scientific research, contributing to advancing knowledge and innovation in marine science and related disciplines.
This open-access policy statement reflects the journal's commitment to providing unrestricted access to scholarly research and promoting open science principles within the marine science community.
The corresponding author is required to provide a clear and detailed paragraph explicitly outlining how the content of the paper aligns with the Aims and Scope of the journal. It is imperative that this paragraph thoroughly demonstrates the relevance of the research to the journal's objectives and focus areas. The omission of this paragraph will necessitate the return of the paper to the author for further elaboration. Furthermore, in the cover letter, authors are required to provide a list of five potential reviewers for their paper when submitting it. The contact information provided should consist of institutional email addresses exclusively for all reviewers. The suggested referees must adhere to the following criteria: (i) they should not have close collaborative ties with any of the authors. (ii) they should not be affiliated with the same institution as any of the authors.
The procedures for preparing, presenting, and submitting the manuscripts are as follows:
- The manuscript submission shall be made through the website
- Language. All types of manuscripts must be written in English. The authors are responsible for the scientific content and correct manuscript grammar.
- Line and page numbering (new and revised submissions). Please ensure that the text of your paper is formatted with double spacing and includes consecutive line numbering throughout. Additionally, please remember to incorporate page numbers into the source file, as this is a crucial requirement for the peer review process.
- The number of pages. The number of pages allowed for submissions to the Journal of Marine Studies can vary depending on several factors, including the type of article (e.g., research article, review, etc), the complexity of the research, and the journal's specific formatting requirements. Typically, research articles in the journal may range from 10 to 35 pages, including figures, tables, and references. However, authors need to consult the journal's author guidelines or contact the editorial office for precise information on page limits and formatting instructions for their specific submission.
- Preparation of manuscripts.
- No specific manuscript format or template is used. The editor encourages all submitted manuscripts written using formal scientific manuscript writing standards. The text should be formatted with continuous page and line numbers.
- Manuscript structures: title, name of the authors (author and co-author) and affiliation, address (including postal code), current address (including postal code), e-mail address for all authors, ORCID iD (if available) for all authors, abstract, keywords (no more than seven words), introduction, methods, results, discussion, conclusion, acknowledgments, author contributions statement, data availability, competing interests, funding, and references.
- The author's correspondence is marked with a lowercase letter and asterisk (for example: 1,*) after the name. If there is only one, the asterisk marker does not need to be placed. The e-mail and ORCID iD correspondence address and co-author are written at the end of the full postal address(es) or in a separate section.
- Abstracts do not exceed 300 words and follow with keywords (max. 7 words).
- Tables and figures. Authors have the option to integrate figures and tables directly into their manuscript body or to provide them as separate files in an approved format (TIFF, JPEG, or EPS for figures with the appropriate resolution and MS Office files for tables). All figures should be clearly labeled and numbered sequentially (e.g., Figure 1. Figure description), while each table should be numbered and accompanied by a descriptive title (e.g., Table 1. Table description). The table description is placed at the top, while the picture description is placed at the bottom. Only high-quality tables and figures can be accepted for approval (resolution should be a minimum of 550 dpi). The table and figure should be editable by the editor.
- Supplementary material. Supplementary material serves to augment the main manuscript by providing additional data, figures, tables, code, videos, or other supporting materials that enhance the understanding or interpretation of the research. Authors should ensure that supplementary material is relevant and directly related to the content of the manuscript. Supplementary files should be submitted in commonly used formats, such as PDF, Excel, Word, JPEG, MPEG, or ZIP, to ensure compatibility and accessibility for readers. The supplementary material should be referenced or mentioned within the manuscript to alert readers to its availability and relevance. It is important to use descriptive file names that reflect the content of each supplementary file, making it easy for readers to understand the nature of the material. Authors should provide clear and concise descriptions of each supplementary file, detailing its contents, purpose, and relevance to the main manuscript. Supplementary material should be easily accessible to readers and reviewers, either through direct inclusion of the manuscript or through a publicly accessible repository or website. Authors are responsible for obtaining all necessary permissions and approvals for any third-party content included in the supplementary material, such as copyrighted images, videos, or data sets. Supplementary material undergoes the same peer review process as the main manuscript and should be submitted along with the initial manuscript submission.
- Do not include footnotes.
- Manuscripts are written in double space on one side of A4 paper (210 X 297 mm). The paper margins are right (2 cm), left (2 cm), upper (2 cm), and lower (2 cm). The letters used for all parts of the manuscript are Times New Roman size 12.
- The writing of mathematics and metric systems uses the International System of Units (SI). Whereas, writing scientific biological names follows the rules of the Binomial nomenclature system.
- In the Acknowledgements, external funding sources for research and publication should be registered. Authors might also wish to acknowledge intellectual contributions from others (including reviewers), permits, research approvals, and other forms of support.
- References in the following article are using the latest APA Citation Style. Use a tool such as EndNote, Mendeley, Citavi, Zotero, etc., for reference management and formatting, and choose APA style. References should take the following forms:
Basic Text citation style:
Parenthetical citation: (Agnes, 2020); (Taylor, 2020a) and (Gaylor et al., 2015; Taylor, 2020b; Martin & Staibatt, 2022; Martin et al., 2023; (National Institute of Climatology and Meteorology [NICM], 2024) for the first citation and (NICM, 2020) for subsequent citations; Stanford University, 2024).
Narrative citation: Agnes (2020); Taylor (2020a) and Taylor (2020b); Martin & Staibatt (2020); Martin et al. (2020); National Institute of Climatology and Meteorology (NICM, 2020) for First citation and NICM (2020) for subsequent citations; Stanford University (2020).
Journal article:
Gaylord, B., Kroeker, K. J., Sunday, J. M., Anderson, K. M., Barry, J. P., Brown, N. E., Connell, S. D., Dupont, S., Fabricius, K. E., Hall-Spencer, J. H., Klinger, T., Milazzo, M., Munday, P. L., Russell, B. D., Sanford, E., Schreiber, S. J., Thiyagarajan, V., Vaughan, M. L., Widdicombe, S., & Harley, C. D. (2015). Ocean acidification through the lens of ecological theory. Ecology, 96(1), 3-15.
Darling, E. S., McClanahan, T. R., Maina, J., Gurney, G. G., Graham, N. A. J., Januchowski-Hartley, F., Cinner, J. E., Mora, C., Hicks, C. C., Maire, E., Puotinen, M., Skirving, W. J., Adjeroud, M., Ahmadia, G., Arthur, R., Bauman, A. G., Beger, M., Berumen, M. L., Bigot, L., . . . Mouillot, D. (2019). Social-environmental drivers inform strategic management of coral reefs in the Anthropocene. Nature Ecology & Evolution, 3, 1341- 350.
Gosling, E. M. (2003). Bivalve molluscs: Biology, ecology, and culture. Blackwell Publishing.
Book chapter:
Ross, P. M., Scanes, E., Byrne, M., Ainsworth, T. D., Donelson, J. M., Foo, S. A., Hutchings, P., Thiyagarajan, V., Parker, & Laura, M. (2023). Surviving the anthropocene: The resilience of marine animals to climate change. In S. J. Hawkins, B. D. Russell, & T. P. A. (Eds.), Oceanography and Marine Biology (Vol. 61, pp. 35-80). CRC Press.
Queensland Department of Innovation and Tourism Industry Development. (2016). Advancing tourism 2016-20. Queensland Government.
Norton, K., Molon, I., Burkenn, W., Sansoto, A., & Louis, P. (2019, September 15-20). Bivalvia responses to ocean acidity threats: From cell to habit [Paper presentation]. 2019 Regional Malacology Congress, Sydney, NSW, Australia.
David, C. (2019, October 31 - November 3). Coral bleaching and their relationship to climate change [Poster presentation]. 9th International Conference on Marine and Fisheries, Auckland, New Zealand.
University thesis:
Nasuchon, N. (2017). The impacts of ocean warming and acidification on the behavior and muscular system of marine animals [Doctoral dissertation, Nagasaki University]. Nagasaki University Academic Research Repository.
- It is highly recommended to consult previously published articles in the Journal of Marine Studies to verify the correct formatting.
Peer Review
The review is an essential factor in ensuring articles are of high quality based on objectivity and quality level of articles. All submissions undergo an initial assessment by the editor to ascertain their appropriateness for publication in the journal. Following this, manuscripts deemed suitable proceed to a peer review process, wherein a minimum of two independent expert reviewers evaluate the scientific quality and validity of the research. Based on the reviewer's review, the board's editor will make the final decision as to whether the manuscript is suitable for approval or rejected. Editors adhere to strict ethical standards and abstain from involvement in the evaluation of papers authored by themselves, family members, or colleagues, as well as those related to products or services in which they have a vested interest. Such submissions are subjected to the journal's standard procedures, including independent peer review conducted impartially, free from any influence or conflict of interest associated with the relevant editor or their research groups.
After acceptance
Authors are required to complete several post-acceptance steps to ensure a smooth transition towards publication. These steps typically include submitting a final revised version of the manuscript addressing any minor revisions or suggestions provided by the reviewers or editors during the peer review process. The author will receive galley proofs or page proofs of their accepted manuscript for final review and proofreading, and they must carefully check for any errors in text, figures, tables, or formatting and make any necessary corrections promptly. Authors should also ensure that any supplementary material is finalized and prepared for publication according to the journal's guidelines. It's important to review and confirm the accuracy of the authorship list, including affiliations and contributions, and provide any acknowledgments or funding information to be included in the published article. Authors may be required to pay article processing charges (APCs) or other publication fees. Once the manuscript is published online or in print, authors are encouraged to promote their work through various channels to maximize visibility and impact.
Copyright Notice
The Journal of Marine Studies is governed by the Creative Commons Attribution license as currently displayed on the Creative Commons Attribution License.
Authors who publish with this journal agree to the following terms:
- Authors retain copyright and grant the journal right of first publication with the work simultaneously licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License (CC-BY) that allows others to share the work with an acknowledgement of the work's authorship and initial publication in this journal.
- Authors are able to enter into separate, additional contractual arrangements for the non-exclusive distribution of the journal's published version of the work (e.g., post it to an institutional repository or publish it in a book), with an acknowledgement of its initial publication in this journal.
- Authors are permitted and encouraged to post their work online (e.g., in institutional repositories or on their website) prior to and during the submission process, as it can lead to productive exchanges, as well as earlier and greater citation of published work (See The Effect of Open Access).
Privacy Statement
The names and email addresses entered in this journal site will be used exclusively for the stated purposes of this journal and will not be made available for any other purpose or to any other party.
Author Fees
This journal charges the following author fees.
Article publication fee: 1.00 (EUR)
If this paper is accepted for publication, you will be asked to pay an Article Publication Fee to cover publications costs.
If you do not have funds to pay such fees, you will have an opportunity to waive each fee. We do not want fees to prevent the publication of worthy work.
Journal of Marine Studies published by the Department of Marine Science, part of the Universitas Malikussaleh
Content on this site: Copyright © 2025 Journal of Marine Studies

Journal of Marine Studies is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License