Peningkatan Produksi Feedstok Biodiesel dengan Aplikasi Pupuk Cair Teknologi Nano pada Bibit Kelapa Sawit

Ray Syuhada Sirait, Muhammad Nazaruddin, Faisal Faisal, Jamidi Jamidi, Rosnina Rosnina


Oil palm (Elaeis guineensis Jacq.) is one of the plantation crops that has an important role for Indonesia, either as a mainstay commodity for export or as a commodity that capable to increase farmers' income. This study aims to determine the growth of oil palm seedling in pre nursery on several plant media and application of nanotechnology fertilizers. This research was conducted in February - May 2022. This research was carried out in Tambon Tunong Village, Dewantara District, North Aceh Regency and the Laboratory of the Faculty of Agriculture, Malikussaleh University. This study used 2-factor Randomized Block Design (RBD). The first factor is the composition of the plant media which consists of 3 levels, namely: M1 = 100% of top soil, M2 = 100% of peat soil, and M3 = 50% of top soil and 50% of peat soil. The second factor is nanotechnology liquid fertilizers which consists of 3 levels, namely: P0 = without nanotechnology liquid fertilizers, P1 = nanotechnology liquid fertilizers 3 ml/L, and P2 = nanotechnology liquid fertilizers 5 ml/L. The variables observed were plant height, stem diameter, number of leaves, chlorophyll content, Net Assimilation Rate, root length. The results showed that the composition of the plant media had a significant effect on the growth of oil palm plants on the variables of chlorophyll content and root length. The nanotechnology liquid fertilizer treatment had a very significant effect on the variables of plant height, stem diameter, chlorophyll content, and had a significant effect on the variables of leaf number. There was an interaction between the treatment of the composition of the growing media and nanotechnology liquid fertilizers on the chlorophyll content variable at the age of 10 WAP.

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