Analisis Faktor-Faktor Yang Mempengaruhi Tingkat Partisipasi Dan Keberhasilan Program Asuransi Usaha Tani Padi (Autp) Di Kabupaten Aceh Besar
Cut Putri Handayani, Suyanti Kasimin, F Fajri
The program of“Asuransi Usaha Tani Padi” (AUTP) (Rice Farming Insurance) is the government’s program aims to protect the farmers from any harm caused by crop failure influenced by natural disaster such as flood, drought and pest attack. The AUTP program in Aceh was held since 2015, but the implementation expected was far from target determined. This research purposed to find out the participation range of farmers in AUTP program and several factor which influenced the achievement of AUTP Program. The research location was in Aceh Besar District and taking samples in 6 Sub-districts consist of Suka Makmur, Kuta Cot Glie, Seulimum, Indrapuri, Lhoong and Montasik. The respondents was 94 persons were chosen by purposive sampling. The data used in this research were primary and secondary data. Primary data were taken from interview and questionaire. The research variables of this study were farmers participation on some stage as proses, result enjoyment and evaluation of several factors from reapondents such as age, education, land area, income, program advantages and government support. The data analysis used were scoring and regresi logit analysis. The result of the analysis sais that the farmers participation on stage of proccess and evaluation were categorized medium while on the stage of result enjoyment was categorized high. The government support on the achievement of AUTP was higer than other factors
rice farming insurance, AUTP, risk, flood, drought
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Copyright (c) 2019 Cut Putri Handayani, Suyanti Kasimin, F Fajri
Agrifo: Jurnal Agribisnis Universitas Malikussaleh